Learn about pelvic organ prolapse repair and understand your options You deserve special care The muscles and connective tissues supporting your pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, and rectum) can weaken, causing the organs to slip down (prolapse) from their usual positions. When pelvic organ prolapse ...
The choice of surgery for uterine prolapse depends upon many factors, including the patient's age, overall state of health, and desire for future childbearing. When indicated, and in severe cases of prolapse, the uterus can be removed (hysterectomy). During the procedure, the surgeon can also ...
At least part of the main body is adapted for attachment to the upper anterior vaginal wall, and the arms are configured for secure attachment to one or more stable body portions to suspendingly support the anterior cervix and anterior vaginal wall when in use.Marcus Patrick Carey...
There was only one incident where absorbent sutures were used and 2 months after surgery the uterus once again began to prolapse. The patient was operated on once again using nonabsorbent sutures and to this day, four months after surgery, there is no evidence of the uterus or vaginal walls...
Previous pelvic surgery: such as hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Other risk factors that increase the pressure within the abdomen, leading to increased pressure on the pelvic floor muscles include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), obesity, constipation, and heavy manual labor (for ex...
At least part of the main body is adapted for attachment to the upper anterior vaginal wall, and the arms are configured for secure attachment to one or more stable body portions to suspendingly support the anterior cervix and anterior vaginal wall when in use.Carey Tasca Pty Ltd...
A vaginal technique for the combined treatment of the prolapsed and retrodisplaced uterus : Dellepiane, G.: La Ginecologia-Scritti in onore del Prof. Ercole CovaPeripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) are widely used in the pediatric population, and their use continues to grow in ...