Prolapsed epiploica of the colon is a rare complication after hysterectomy. The most common organ to prolapsed out from the dehiscence vaginal cuff is terminal ileum. We reported the first known case of prolapsed epiploica of the colon after robotic hysterectomy. Case: This is a case who had ...
Previous hysterectomy, not infrequent in constipated patients who do not respond to conservative treatment and are therefore candidates for surgery, may also damage the pericervical plexus involving anorectal innervation. Hysterectomized women, therefore, are more prone to fecal incontinence [141]. ...
Menopause: Estrogen, a hormone that helps maintain the strength and health of supporting tissues in the vagina, is not produced after menopause. Previous pelvic surgery: such as hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Other risk factors that increase the pressure within the abdomen, leading to increas...
overall state of health, and desire for future childbearing. When indicated, and in severe cases of prolapse, the uterus can be removed (hysterectomy). During the procedure, the surgeon can also correct the sagging of the vaginal walls, urethra, bladder, or rectum. The surgery may...