A Collection of application ideas that can be used to improve your coding skills . react javascript css python html open-source php opensource frontend projects contribution beginner hacktoberfest contributions-welcome Updated Aug 29, 2024 arpit-omprakash / 100ProjectsOfCode Star 3.2k Code ...
An annuary to display and manage projects related to the UN sustainable goals. This is the source running the frontend for the website projects.directory Share your projects to increase impact, Fill your profile with your skills and goals, Use the Projects platform to showcase your projects, ...
Interactive map to check the weather Search function Skills gained: Data visualization libraries such as Chart.js Handing asynchronous API calls with Python Front-end development using React Tools and technologies: React for frontend development OpenWeatherMap API Programming languages like Python 11. ...
When you're using Docker Compose to launch containerized projects on a local machine, you use a different method (launch profiles) to start multiple projects. The following example shows a solutionWebFrontEndAwith three projects, a front-end web site, a Web API project, and a Docker Compose...
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21 ytchat-frontend 2 Sponsored Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality. www.influxdata.com About...
Interactive writing environment for computational ideas and literate programming, built on Ink andKlispon the backend and Torus on the frontend –blog post Unim.press A Reddit reader that looks like the front page of The New York Times, built with Torus, visited by over 200k and counting –bl...
On top of all this, for a project this complex, Quivr still hasmultipleissuestagged with the good first issue label. Moreover, many of these holler for afrontendenthusiast to sort things out for once. So, what stack will you help build the internet’s favourite second brain with? Their ...
• Streamline access: With SAML/SSO, users would be able to access Meilisearch Cloud with just one click, without having to remember multiple usernames and passwords. This can save time and reduce the risk of password-related security issues. We're always looking for ways to improve Meilisear...
And that concludes my essential list of patterns from other languages and frameworks for enhancing your frontend projects. I hope you found this information helpful and that at least one of these strategies has inspired you to implement it in your own work!