The Holiday SpecialEnter Your Project for a chance to win $100 Shopping Carts, Gifts to Give, and a 3D Printer Prize!Back to The Project14 homepage Project14 HomeMonthly ThemesMonthly Theme PollLast month, the community members voted on portable electron
I will write you my location and you will suggest a place to visit near my location. In some cases, I will also give you the type of places I will visit. You will also suggest me places of similar type that are close to my first location. My first suggestion request is "I am in...
Creative Ideas for Repurposed Bathroom Furniture Upcycling bathroom furniture and plumbing materials opens the door to endless creativity. Here are a few projects that could give your bathroom a completely new look: Turn Old Pipes Into Towel Racks or Shelves:With a few bends and brackets, old pip...
Finally after wrangling lime mortar, paint pots, breeze blocks, tiles, sewing machines that broke needles, the barn apartment is ready to rent. It’s taken about a year but so happy with the results. And why Giant Pea…Well we are artists and I am writing a story book about lost family...
About Me (yes, it’s all about me – me me me!) Finished Quilts ~ Creative Projects and Happy Things Search: A House of Her Own 05ThursdayMar 2015 PostedbyaprilsatelierinSewing, Non-Quilting ≈7 Comments Tags Briar Rose,fabric house,Scandinavian Stitches ...
Gensler are balancing tradition and innovation in a modern hub for enterprise in the Shanghai district of Pudong. Shanghai Shimao Wonderland, Songjiang District Shanghai Shimao Wonderland is a leisure resort being developed in the Songjiang District near Shanghai, China. The project includes the ...
A street light monitoring system keeps track of when lights should be on or off and can even dim them when fewer people are around. You will use sensors that detect ambient light or motion, with a microcontroller to handle logic. This is one of those IoT projects that cut energy costs by...
Useful programs to help you write and debug C code which are not editors, libraries or compilers. Artistic Style - Fast and small automatic source code formatter that supports C. LGPL-3.0-only address-sanitizer - Fast memory error detector. Apache-2.0 biicode - Modern dependency manager. MIT ...
The Phantom Keystroker acts as a keyboard/mouse USB HID (Human Interface Device) to send keystrokes... This started me thinking, what if you could make something like this that was programmable? There are all sorts of things you could do with it. Adrian Crenshaw (irongeek) Video...
aMore and more children are becoming overweight and near-sighted () they spend to much time in front of the TV. Also, they ate growing liess and less creative since watching TV doesn't need any () thoughts 孩子越来越变得超重,并且近视 () 他们花费到时刻在电视前面。 并且,因为观看的电视不需...