360SPB IIW55A Interactive Whiteboard Tablet Gigante 55 Inch pulgada Projector Screen For Classroom Teaching Personal Smart Board Top categories
Optoma Projector Repair & Services – List of Optoma projector repair services, projection machine repair and get Optoma projector service centres, shops. Projector Chip Level Services To fix an affected projector, the DMD chip has to be replaced. This is where we come in. Projector Power Repair...
In many countries, shops near telephone boxes are always being asked for change, and usually do not want to give it. If you need change, and cannot find anybody for help, it is a good idea to buy a small thing, such as a pencil, and ask for your change. Change is needed for maki...
I had a problem with mine. All of a sudden the picture went really dark and I called up customer service. She told me that the PROPER turn off sequence is, that top button, THEN actually turning off the big switch in the back. This whole time I had been leaving that back power butt...