Scale bar, the expected average lattice distance of OFF mosaics, dOFF. Gray dashed lines indicate the chance level. The shaded area indicates SD. (E) This orthogonal organization in the retina can be mirrored to V1 and induces orthogonal tiling of a neural tuning. See also Figure S1. ...
This plane lies in vertical position on left or right of object and projection lines are drawn. This plane forms the side view of object. Horizontal Plane This plane lies in horizontal position at upward or downward of the object and projection lines are drawn. This plane forms the top view...
The combination of various viral vectors and transgenic mouse lines enables scientists to reveal cell- and projection-specific details in certain neural circuits. Optogenetic techniques allow for investigation of functions of a particular neural circuit in modulating animal behaviors, which may provide ...
A gnomonic map projection displays all great circles as straight lines. Thus the shortest route between two locations in reality corresponds to that on the map. This is achieved by projecting, with respect to the center of the Earth (hence perpendicular to the surface), the Earth's surface ...
Create a 3rd angle orthogonal projection of the following drawing using provided instruction: Create 4 layers: (4 points) 1. Leave layer zero untouched 2. Construction line: using yellow color, and Phantom line 3. Hidden line using red color and hidde...
Neutrons traveling towards the TPC are produced in association with the 7Be nuclei of the locus labeled as “7Be low”. The dashed lines show the thresholds used in the normal operating conditions for the ΔE and E detectors, and which are meant to suppress the dominant contribution from Li...
Time evolution of seasonal mean temperature anomaly for the evaluation regions. All RCMs runs are shown; for CLMcom-CCLM-48 and SMHI-RCA4 the various lines (with the same color) correspond to runs with different forcing GCMs. The GCMs’ range (maximum and minimum) is also shown (black lin...
A projection engine having a first kernel for modulating light of a first polarization, and a second kernel for modulating light of a second polarization, and a polarization combiner for merging light from the kernels into a dual polarization modulated output beam. Inventors...
New methods for displaying radial velocities of pulsating stars are presented. The profiles of weak spectral lines in Cepheids are observed to be asymmetric during the inward velocity part of the pulsation cycle but not the outward velocity part. A prescription is given for standardising the ...
The solid lines denotes PPI endmembers. Sensors 2008, 8 1333 Figure 4. Comparison of SPA and SMACC endmembers. a) endmember representatives of the same target (zeolite), b) SMACC endmember capturing noise Figure 5. Convergence of SPA for the Cuprite data. The arrow marks the last iteration...