In this paper we study the perturbation bound of the projection (WA) (WA)+, where both the matrices A and W are given with W positive diagonal and severely stiff. When the perturbed matrix A=A+δA satisfy several row rank preserving conditions, we derive a new perturbation bound of the...
In magnetic particle imaging (MPI), system sensitivity can be enhanced by scanning the sample along a field free line (FFL) instead of a field free point (FFP). FFL MPI data can then be processed via system-matrix or projection-based reconstructions. Here, we compare the relative performance...
Chinese diplomacy, however disturbing, is stillincapable of blocking theprojectionof American power. 无论中国外交如何干涉仍不可能阻碍美国势力的(发展)趋势. 期刊摘选 First, an uncorrelatedprojectionspace is constructed based on the total population scatter matrix. ...
getViewMatrix(): 获取当前渲染的视图矩阵。视图矩阵定义了从3D世界到2D屏幕空间的转换。简单来说,它描述了观察者(通常是玩家或摄像机)的位置和方向。 当你想要从3D世界坐标转换到2D屏幕坐标时,你会使用这个矩阵。 getProjectionMatrix(): 获取当前的投影矩阵。投影矩阵定义了如何从3D世界空间映射到2D屏幕...
2D Image Matrix-Based Discriminator This chapter presents two straightforward image projection techniques — two-dimensional (2D) image matrix-based principal component analysis (IMPCA, 2DPCA) and 2D image matrix-based Fisher linear discriminant analysis (IMLDA, 2DLDA). Af... D Zhang,XY Jing,Y ...
The most serious problems for the matrix projection exposure using a liquid crystal display (LCD) panel in place of a reticle are largely solved by a new breakthrough method. LCD matrix exposure is...关键词: projection exposure matrix exposure reticleless exposure analogue LCD panel arbitrary patt...
1.(General Engineering) a style of engineering drawing in which true dimensions are represented as if projected from infinity on three planes perpendicular to each other, avoiding the effects of perspective 2.(Physical Geography) a type of zenithal map projection in which the area is mapped as ...
Microsoft Direct3D can use the w-component of a vertex that has been transformed by the world, view, and projection matrices to perform depth-based calculations in depth-buffer or fog effects. Computations such as these require that a projection matrix normalize w to be equivalent to world-...
This paper presents a projection pursuit (PP) based method for blind separation of nonnegative sources. First, the available observation matrix is mapped to construct a new mixing model, in which the inaccessible source matrix is normalized to be column-sum-to-1. Then, the PP method is propos...