Increases are expected to be largest in countries where life expectancy is lower, contributing to a convergence of increased life expectancy across geographies. The trend is largely driven bypublic health measuresthat have prevented and improvedsurvival ratesfrom cardiovascular diseases, COVID-19, and a...
An Approach for Selecting Observationally-Constrained Global Climate Model Ensembles for Regional Climate Impacts and Adaptation Studies in Canada 2023, Atmosphere - Ocean Effects of Nonstationarity of Extreme Wind Speeds and Ground Snow Loads in a Future Canadian Changing Climate 2022, Natural Hazards Re...
Paneladepicts spatial estimates of global soil loss (see Methods) divided into seven classes according to the European Soil Bureau classification. The colour gradient denotes the intensity of soil loss from low (green) to high (red) rates of soil loss. Grey areas are not covered by our model ...
2a). This trend is particularly noticeable in southeastern Australia, southeastern Africa, eastern East Asia, and some midwestern regions in the south of Canada. AI changes suggests these same areas will experience increased aridity (Fig. 3). However, there are still regions where changes in ...
While [CO2] effects on growth and secondary chemistry are well characterized for annual plant species, little is known about perennials. Among perennials, production of Coffea arabica and C. canephora (robusta) have enormous economic importance worldwide
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an essential, omega-3, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that is a key component of cell membranes and plays a vital role
2023), United Arab Emirates (ElSayary, 2023), Pakistan (Iqbal et al., 2023), Ukraine (Fiialka et al., 2023), Bulgaria (Kiryakova & Angelova, 2023), United States (Barrett & Pack, 2023), and even across multiple countries such as Turkey, Canada, Sweden, and Australia (Firat, 2023...
Analysis of historical drought conditions based on SPI and SPEI at various timescales in the South Saskatchewan River Watershed, Alberta, Canada. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 2023, 153, 1–15. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Khandekar, M.L. Canadian Prairie Drought: A Climatological Assessment; Alberta ...
Land in 20232nd Edition: Land Use Change and Its Environmental Effects3D Geovisualization in Landscape DesignA Global Perspective in Geological ConservationA Land Use Perspective of the Safeguarding Coastal AreasA New Urbanization Land Change ContinuumAdvances in Coastline EvolutionAdvances in Hydrologic and...