though projects may be deferred to when interest rates and costs settle. The lock-in effect with mortgage rates is still driving remodeling activity for homeowners who are looking to upgrade rather than move and give up their low interest rates. However,...
declines in manufacturing and harsh impacts related to the 2008 U.S. housing foreclosure crisis. Because of the high rates of previous industrialization, the percentage of brownfields and toxic release sites is much higher in the
These spaces mainly lie: to the north (a mountainous, protected natural space); to the south (the port area); and to the east (corresponding to areas of 1960s housing stock) of the city. This distribution means that 1 SD is a relatively wide value, covering a distance of over 3 km....
We removed the demographic parameter of median income from our set of predictors, because it was correlated with population density and slightly correlated with the percentage of housing occupied by owners. We used Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) weight to determine which model was best ...
(e.g., food, water, and housing), land-use change in the basin is inevitable. Streamflow and sediment yield is highly dependent on the land-use pattern within the basin. As this study did not consider the effects of land-use changes, further studies that incorporate impacts of land-use ...