We study fermionic matrix product operator algebras and identify the associated algebraic data. Using this algebraic data we construct fermionic tensor network states in two dimensions that have non-trivial symmetry-protected or intrinsic topological order. The tensor network states allow us to relate ...
We study the edge physics of gapped quantum systems in the framework of Projected Entangled Pair State (PEPS) models. We show that the effective low-energy model for any region acts on the entanglement degrees of freedom at the boundary, corresponding to physical excitations located at the edge...
Michael Lubasch, J Ignacio Cirac, and Mari-Carmen Banuls. Unifying projected entangled pair state contractions. New Journal of Physics, 16(3):033014, 2014.M. Lubasch, J. Cirac, and M.-C. Bauls, "Unifying pro- jected entangled pair state contractions," New Journal of Physics, vol. 16...
Michael Lubasch, J Ignacio Cirac, and Mari-Carmen Banuls. Unifying projected entangled pair state contractions. New Journal of Physics, 16(3):033014, 2014.M. Lubasch, J. Cirac, and M.-C. Bauls, "Unifying pro- jected entangled pair state contractions," New Journal of Physics, vol. 16...
The approximate contraction of a Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS)\ntensor network is a fundamental ingredient of any PEPS algorithm, required for\nthe optimization of the tensors in ground state search or time evolution, as\nwell as for the evaluation of expectation values. An exact ...
The infinite projected entangled-pair state (iPEPS) algorithm is one of the most efficient techniques for studying the ground-state properties of two-dimensional quantum lattice Hamiltonians in the thermodynamic limit. Here, we show how the algorithm can be adapted to explore nearest-neighbor local...
Entan- glement spectrum and boundary theories with projected entangled-pair states. Phys. Rev. B, 83:245134, 2011.J. Ignacio Cirac, Didier Poilblanc, Nobert Schuch, and Frank Verstraete, "Entanglement spectrum and boundary theories with projected entangled-pair states", Phys. Rev. 83, 245134 ...
Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) provide a framework for theconstruction of models where a single tensor gives rise to both Hamiltonian andground state wavefunction on the same footing. A key problem is to characterizethe behavior which emerges in the system in terms of the properties of ...