他设置中会添加一种超大容量箱子,不想要可以在沙盒设置里关闭。如果出现容量不正常的情况,在设置里有一个叫respawn的选项,勾上,在游戏里respawn一下背包,就可以刷新容量了。 Water Dispenser 饮水机模组,允许你把饮水机的桶搬下来用,或者给已经用完的饮水机换桶。这个桶容量250,满载重量20。不仅仅可以装水,还可以...
To not be killed is the name of the game and by having one of Project Zomboid's Best Armor, you may get lucky with your life.
[img=http://projectzomboid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ZombiePopulationWindow.png] “The sandbox option ‘Zombies Respawn Interval’ controls how often zombies respawn. Zombies will respawnonlywhen the current population in a cell is lower than the desired population. In multiplayer, the H...
Lowered over all crit-chance with all guns, and made it so crit-chance decreases with range instead of increases with range. The net result being that before most zombies would die in 1 shot, now most zombies take 2 or even 3 shots, even with 10 aiming. 3 years ago Reply Anonymous Is...
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 17e2758d9293d3839d25648375dc4f41f23a477e · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 101a24f42ff000305cfd3e8e461db8f49e19b1e2 · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
Anyone jumping into Project Zomboid for the first time might be inclined to pick any of the presets the game has for a playthrough. However, you can customize your sandbox experience as you see fit. From making zombies respawn faster to stopping them from reappearing altogether and even ...
Zombie respawn and migration; zombies are no longer static and dependent on on player proximity. They roam around the map and build up over time. Zombies should not appear in closed off areas that are unreachable from the edge of the map. ...
but any of the more primitive to medieval technology that makes sense we hope to be an option. It should be possible to spawn on a blank map with just wilderness and natural resources and have an engaging crafting and community building game, and adding the towns, cities and zombies to the...
Zombies won't respawn in loaded parts of the map. The sandbox option "Zombies Respawn Interval" controls how often zombies respawn.Comments PetrenkaPie - Jul 22 2015 - 1,039 comments coop mapping in zomboid will just be epic :D Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes booman - Jul 23...