首先排除是手柄的问题,以及Steam平台的问题,因为其操作在游戏外是完全没出过问题的。我也尝试了在Steam的Project Zomboid Controller Settings中进行一些设置的更改,但并没有起作用。网上也没找到任何相关的资料。 这时候,我就开始在Finder中到处乱逛,逛到了用户文件夹下的Zomboid文件夹中,随便点开了几个配置文件,然...
部分支持控制器 Xbox 控制器 尚不清楚是否支持其他设备 需要同意一份来自第三方的最终用户许可协议 Project Zomboid EULA 语言: 界面完全音频字幕 简体中文 ✔ 英语 ✔ 法语 ✔ 意大利语 ✔ 德语 ✔ 查看所有 21 种已支持语言 可用点数商店物品 查看所有10 名称: Project Zomboid 类型: 独立, ...
Project Zomboid is an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. It asks one simple question – how will you die? In the towns of Muldraugh and West Point, survivors must loot houses, build defences and do their utmost to delay their inevitable death day by day. No help is coming – their con...
Project Zomboid 通过 用于 Windows、Mac和Linux 的 Steam 提供。需要申请免费的 Steam 账户。 描述 Project Zomboid is an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. It asks one simple question – how will you die? In the towns of Muldraugh and West Point, survivors must loot houses, build defences and ...
Project Zomboid 通过 用于 Windows、Mac和Linux 的 Steam 提供。需要申请免费的 Steam 账户。 描述 Project Zomboid is an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. It asks one simple question – how will you die? In the towns of Muldraugh and West Point, survivors must loot houses, build defences and ...
Windows上的Xbox Controller游戏板支持。 [其他打击垫可以手动设置。 Mac上当前不提供游戏手柄支持] 目前,我们的团队很小,但我们也致力于提供以下服务: 计划功能: 我们的PZ故事模式的返回,这也是有史以来第一个主动尝试在任何时候杀死您的教程。 凯特(Kate)和秃头(Baldspot)回来了!
Scavenge for meaningful materials as you check the Best Games like Project Zomboid for Android and Xbox. Use your best weapons and build the strongest shelters to fight the neverending undead horde.
Windows上的Xbox Controller游戏板支持。[其他打击垫可以手动设置。Mac上当前尚不提供对Gamepad的支持]目前我们只是一个小团队,但我们也致力于提供以下服务:计划功能:“ PZ故事”模式的返回,这也是有史以来第一个主动尝试在任何时候杀死您的教程。凯特(Kate)和秃头(Baldspot)回来了!在一个持久的世界中,由元游戏系统...
Xbox Controller Gamepad support on Windows. [Others pads can be set up manually. Gamepad support not currently available on Mac] Planned Features: The return of our PZ Stories mode that also serves as first ever tutorial actively trying to kill you at every turn. Kate and Baldspot return!
I know that last sentence sounds grim, but that’s the reality ofProject Zomboid. It’s not a game where you’ll build something the first time you play and survive the apocalypse with. The game opens by saying “there is no hope” and “this is how you died.” Let me tell you ri...