位置放在-statistic 0 %1 %2后面,-前要有一个空格。意为服务器文件放在E盘符下的"Project Zomboid Server"文件夹,文件夹需要手动提前创建否则容易报错。 删除:-XX:+UseZGC 内存不足16G的服务器可以删除,避免CMD控制台报错。 二,服务器设置编辑 只记录重点,其他都有文字解释的没啥好记录的。 设置文件默认位置:...
A mod for Project Zomboid that I started thinking "this will be easy" after forgetting that despite being a software engineer, I haven't seen LUA since the times in which World of Warcraft raiding was Molten Core and never really worked with it. Having said that, it has been a fun smal...
While zombie apocalypse will always be our core focus for the vanilla game, we want Zomboid to provide a breadth of survival mechanics and content that, especially with mods, make a solid foundation for many other varied survival experiences outside the looting and zombie gameplay. This includes ...
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 101a24f42ff000305cfd3e8e461db8f49e19b1e2 · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
different armor mods, so yeah of course the game isnt going to be challenging when you have "qol" things like that in your game. So I think its better to just have workshop support so mod creators can build clientele to people who like that stuff wheras some don't otherwise youll ...
Completelyshut down Project Zomboid. You can openTask Managerto ensure that the game has been closed entirely. Open yourSteam Library,click onProject Zomboid,and navigate to itsworkshop. Opening Project Zomboid Workshop Click on the“Browse”option and then select“Subscribed Items”from the dropdo...
ZomboidRadio debugBoundTexture(Texture, int) - Method in class zombie.core.SpriteRenderer.RingBuffer debugBreakpoint(String, long) - Static method in class zombie.ui.UIManager debugcaller - Static variable in class zombie.Lua.LuaManager DebugChunkState - Class in zombie.gameStates DebugChunkState(...
Project Zomboid Best Weapon Attachments and Mods 2023 Scrap Armor, Weapons, Guns Mod As the name suggests, Scrap Armor’s weapons and Guns mods are justified. In this mode, you can craft weapons from the scrap parts in the workshop but before applying the mod in the game, kindly install ...
If you never run the project zomboid server before, please run it without using bot. Because when you run the project zomboid server for the first time, it will ask you to setup an admin account. You can't send any key presses to console if you run the server through discord bot's ...
设置文件默认位置:"C:\Users\Administrator\Zomboid\Server" steam设置:这页别动就行,udp16262会导致有些人进服显示服务器16262端口未开放,不影响。 备份:可以改成1,然后去掉下面两个勾。这样每次开服时可以省掉备份时间,缺点就是你没服务器文件备份了,不能回档。