31、No Vanilla Vehicles 禁止原版车——让原版的丑车不会刷新 32、Noir's Attachments 背包附件——顾名思义,看图说话 33、Noir's Rifle Slings 步枪背带——帅呆了 34、Playable Arcade Machines for 41 游戏机可以玩了,不需要屯一堆书也不会无聊 35、Play Modded Arcade Machines MOD的游戏机也可以玩 36、...
.gitignore Add vehicles dumper Sep 1, 2022 LICENSE Add wipezoner lua mod Jan 22, 2022 README.md Add readme Sep 1, 2022 Repository files navigation README MIT license utils Project Zomboid client helpers Client utils Mod Injection - Allows you to inject local mod to the Project Zomboid serv...
Something we’ll need to be adding to the main game in build 39+ are player-built gates that’ll allow vehicles inside. In the meantime the lovely Mister Nolan has you covered with his new Log Wall Gate mod. Vid here.39以后的版本将会加入由玩家自定义的车库门/院门。目前Nolan已经开发了一...
Project Zomboid is a much more ambitious game than we could ever have hoped to fund ourselves. It has grown massively over the years, and it’s been a rollercoaster, but find ourselves in a stable financial situation with an overwhelmingly positive reaction from the Steam community. We hope ...
I played Project Zomboid without any mod packs and tested it with texture compression both enabled and disabled. In both cases, the loading screens were not laggy and loaded normally. I have tested this with Intel Arc Graphics and Nvidia Graphics Could you please confirm if you have tested ...
I played Project Zomboid without any mod packs and tested it with texture compression both enabled and disabled. In both cases, the loading screens were not laggy and loaded normally. I have tested this with Intel Arc Graphics and Nvidia Graphics Could you please confirm if you ...
Project Zomboid is a third-person zombie survival game that can be played alone or with others. With a massive map and customizable sandbox, you will need to loot, craft, build, farm, and fight to survive. Use vehicles and tools to flee to safety or to build zombie-proof forts. Be wea...
To not be killed is the name of the game and by having one of Project Zomboid's Best Armor, you may get lucky with your life.
Project Zomboid is a Zombie Survival RPG available on PC, Mac and Linux. Game Features: Here are some of the features that can be found in the current PZ build. Flee the Horde Thousands of ‘proper’ zeds roam the streets. Gunfire and combat
“I came across Project Zomboid through Steam’s discovery system at the end of 2019. I distinctly remember one of the lines in the video that hooked me: “How would you survive the zombie apocalypse?” PZ’s focus on realism, the depth of its mechanics, and the variety in the character...