mkdir pzserver 创建一个steamcmd配置文件 cat>$HOME/update_zomboid.txt<<'EOL'// update_zomboid.txt//@ShutdownOnFailedCommand1//set to 0 if updating multiple servers at once@NoPromptForPassword1force_install_dir/home/pzuser/pzserver///for servers which don't need a loginlogin anonymous app_up...
使用以下命令运行游戏服务器容器: docker run -d --name projectzomboid-server -p 27015:27015 -p 27015:27015/udp cm2network/projectzomboid-server:latest /usr/games/zomboid --host= --port=27015 --maxplayers=16 --world=default --servername="Your Server" --password="Your Password" 这个...
ProjectZomboid_41.78_Local_ModServer今枝めいお 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多92 -- 47:19:26 App ProjectZomboid_41.74_LocalServer_Old 1477 -- 1:18 App 4K ANIMAL MONTAGE BLOG VIDEO #1 380 -- 19:15 App Project Zomboid 僵尸毁灭工程16倍率 血洗罗斯伍德军事基地 195 -- 1:...
位置放在-statistic 0 %1 %2后面,-前要有一个空格。意为服务器文件放在E盘符下的"Project Zomboid Server"文件夹,文件夹需要手动提前创建否则容易报错。 删除:-XX:+UseZGC 内存不足16G的服务器可以删除,避免CMD控制台报错。 二,服务器设置编辑 只记录重点,其他都有文字解释的没啥好记录的。 设置文件默认位置:...
{STEAMAPP}-dedicated" # Install required packages RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \ dos2unix \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Download the Project Zomboid dedicated server app using the steamcmd app # ...
This server, based in France, has no password and can be found by anyone running the beta (access detailshere). For server-related feedback and to keep tabs on what’s happeningplease use this thread. We especially need feedback on the new chatbox and chat functionalities, any player-side...
Indifferent Broccoli is the server host you want when you and your friends are fighting to survive the zombie apocalypse. They make the server setup simple and quick, so you don’t need to worry about anything but playing. Setting up a Project Zomboid server takes only one click. ...
The first time you start this server, you will be prompted to give it a password. Change to the directory where the server is stored using the command below. cd /home/zomboid/zomboidserverCopy 9. All you need to do to start up the Project Zomboid server is use the command below. ./...
If the Project Zomboid server asks for an administrator password, enter a new one. Now, you can connect to it by entering your VPS IP address, port number, and password into the game client. 5. Enhance the Project Zomboid Server
import*asZomboidfrom'project-zomboid-rcon'// Initialize the clientconstzomboid=newZomboid({host:"",// the IP address to your serverport:1234,// RCONPort in the server inipassword:"bestpasswordevermade"// RCONPassword in the server ini})// Connect to the server (this will throw if...