具体设置选项可以自己调整,如怎么显示,是否显示,显示什么颜色等等。 Save Our Station! 让游戏内的紧急电台会随着时间推移逐渐损坏,遇到特殊情况也会中断播报,坏了后你需要去地图上对应的电台站进行修复。电台站有四个常驻的:马镇、河畔、西电、罗斯伍德,还有一个隐藏的。具体损坏几率,损坏时间,什么时候损坏,都可以在...
The game will store up to 15 save folders, and delete the older ones as it creates newer ones. This can be changed in the script with a text editor as well to your liking. How to reload the save? PZ game save location by default is: %USERPROFILE%\Zomboid\Saves. You can access ...
Now, enable UFW to apply the rules using the following command. If you have the firewall active already, replaceenablewithreload: sudo ufw enable 4. Running Your Server If you start the Project Zomboid server directly on your VPS command-line interface, it will shut down after you disconnect...
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 101a24f42ff000305cfd3e8e461db8f49e19b1e2 · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
Fixed quoting problem with projectzomboid.sh (Linux demo won't launch).Fixed IsoWindow properties. Allow right-clicking on IsoThumpable walls that are s or e of the player. . When thumpable walls are "transparent" it wasn't possible to interact with them via the right-click menu. No ...
Save Our Station! 让游戏内的紧急电台会随着时间推移逐渐损坏,遇到特殊情况也会中断播报,坏了后你需要去地图上对应的电台站进行修复。电台站有四个常驻的:马镇、河畔、西电、罗斯伍德,还有一个隐藏的。具体损坏几率,损坏时间,什么时候损坏,都可以在沙盒设置里自行调整。常驻电台站位置都还不错,适合当个基地。
If you never run the project zomboid server before, please run it without using bot. Because when you run the project zomboid server for the first time, it will ask you to setup an admin account. You can't send any key presses to console if you run the server through discord bot's ...
The game will store up to 15 save folders, and delete the older ones as it creates newer ones. This can be changed in the script with a text editor as well to your liking. How to reload the save? PZ game save location by default is: %USERPROFILE%\Zomboid\Saves. You can access ...