创建一个steamcmd配置文件 cat>$HOME/update_zomboid.txt<<'EOL'// update_zomboid.txt//@ShutdownOnFailedCommand1//set to 0 if updating multiple servers at once@NoPromptForPassword1force_install_dir/home/pzuser/pzserver///for servers which don't need a loginlogin anonymous app_update380870validate...
Project Zomboid I wish there were a remake of TS1 with modern technology. Zomboid shows the style can still look good 2 years ago Reply Anonymous But the sex mod won't be as good 🙁 2 years ago Reply Anonymous Where the frick is the zomboid sex mods? I wanna capture a zombie and ...
Project Zomboid saves all map data to each player's computer, so the server is not aware of their progress. This tool reads from multiple map_symbols.bin files to convert into a single one. It supports any mod that adds more symbols such as Extra Map Symbols Use this to share your maps...
Vehicles added. Survivors of the Knox Event can drive vehicles and explore every nook and cranny of the vast Project Zomboid map. Vehicles are enhanced with real physics, and come with all the expected sundries such as a UI dashboard, headlights, expanded inventory space, car horns, air condi...
In the world of Project Zomboid, the Mod Manager is a valuable tool with several benefits. The Mod Manager allows you to install, uninstall, and manage mods, which are alterations of the game that can drastically change or enhance your gaming experience. It saves you from the potentially ardu...
This bot is written for people to easily manage their Project Zomboid server using Discord. Please check theInstallationandBot Configurationsection. Also, this bot doesn't support multiple Discord servers and only works on theWindowsoperating system. Be sure to have.NET Framework 4.7.2installed on...
cleanMultiplayerSaves() - Method in class zombie.ZomboidFileSystem cleanSoundsAndEmitter() - Method in class zombie.radio.devices.DeviceData cleanWallBlood() - Method in class zombie.iso.IsoObject clear() - Method in class zombie.characters.action.ActionContextEvents clear() - Method in class zo...
服务器端的存档位置在/home/pzuser/Zomboid/Saves/Multiplayer下。本地的存档在C:\Users\用户名\Zomboid\Saves\下。通过文件传输进行管理。此处注意存档文件由大量小文件组成,传输的时候最好压缩成一个文件再传输。具体传输方式参考配置世界小节,这里就不再赘述了 ...