You now have access to a new oven/microwave settings UI upon which you can change the temperature, and use the timer dial. Ovens will ‘ding’ when the time is up, microwaves will turn off. Metal in microwaves can cause fire. Some food will become less edible when microwaved, increasing...
See the following website for a map of the latest game build: - Preset difficulties are a feature as is a Sandbox mode. In Sandbox, players can customise game settings including altering the zombie behaviour to traditional (AKA 'Romero' style) zombies or the...
To turn on the Oven or microwave, you have to right-click on it and select Turn on from the menu. Now set the temperature and timing, then again right-click on it and select settings. It allows you to access the dial of the object to set time and temperature. Temperature is one of...