“In regards to Generator Magazines, with a high enough Electrical skill in Build 42, your character will be able connect and repair Generators without needing that magazine. We are also adding additional varieties of lighter and matches, as well as Lighter Fluid for refilling the classic lighters...
You can read the full release on the Project Zomboid Dev blog here. Information on Build 22:Theindiestone.com Highlights: Random character creation and save your character creation! (mod from BlindCoder) Added generators: You can find them in shed/generator, you can then take them and drag...
Cooking recipes in Project Zomboid is relatively easy, but you need some ingredients and an oven or Campfire to cook the food. The Oven requires electricity, and when you do not have any power source in a temporary place, a campfire is the best option. Also, you will need raw materials...