【僵尸毁灭工程】我的字典里没有修不好的衣服! 好用模组分享 Project Zomboid 🍛咖蛋 Repair Any Clothes Mod 工作坊 修补咖蛋路人实况主 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 4.2万 3 00:43 App 被吃掉喽 2443 3 00:29 App 肯塔基突变石头 3557 3 02:00 App 僵毁B42,进阶弹道邪典玩法...
这种模式下的背包颜色会变得很暗,方便搜刮。 Repair Any Clothes 让一些原本修不了的防弹衣也能被修补到完整,很好的改动。(只不过修到完好无损需要缝纫8以上才行,不然耐久都不会满) 减少合成菜单的卡顿Reduce lag of Crafting menu 喵球佬的作品。神中神。可以让游戏内合成菜单变得一点都不卡,缺点就是不再高亮显...
This Mod is Designed to be the Best Drug Mod out there.It's so complete and useful, i like it to pretend it's an official "DLC" from Project Zomboid.Jokes aside, ¿Ever wanted to have realistic Drugs in your game?, with balanced loots, effects, a withdrawal, abstinence and addiction...
I want isometric graphics to return to vidya 2 years ago Reply Anonymous Probably the biggest reason I liked zomboid was because of the iso/sims style. Shame it doesn't translate well for real time action games 2 years ago Reply Anonymous I always imagined it as a military helicopter spottin...
I've been part of the Project Zomboid community for about a decade now, it's been a pleasure to see it grow and evolve over time. It's come so far it's basically a new game from what I first played. Is it a long time? Sure. But I've seen firsthand a lot of other game ent...
How did you first discover Project Zomboid? Why do you like it? “I discovered PZ back in 2014, when I was looking for a survival game to play with my friends. With so many options – killing or avoiding zombies, collecting supplies from abandoned homes, exploring a huge map – it felt...
Here are a few tester reports detailing their overall experience, as that’s probably the best way to let you know how it’s feeling currently. “There are still various bumps, glitches and issues to fix before this could be classed as stable enough for public tests in my opinion, but as...
Project Zomboid Not Working on Mac, How to Fix? Project Zomboid’s Best Occupations 2023 The suggestions come from community experience and long hiatus. There is no doubt that most players choose popular occupations since it’s improving the overall results. However, players should select the occu...
Repair Any Clothes 让一些原本修不了的防弹衣也能被修补到完整,很好的改动。(只不过修到完好无损需要缝纫8以上才行,不然耐久都不会满) 减少合成菜单的卡顿Reduce lag of Crafting menu 喵球佬的作品。神中神。可以让游戏内合成菜单变得一点都不卡,缺点就是不再高亮显示你能合成什么东西了。不过只要你手动按一下...