For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 101a24f42ff000305cfd3e8e461db8f49e19b1e2 · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
This time, we’re taking a look at one of the most subscribed Project Zomboid mods of all time:Filibuster Rhymes’ Used Cars(a version of the mod for Build 40 can be foundhere.) The mod’s description promises a “handful” of new vehicles, but you’d have to have pretty big hands ...
That's 100% correct. The animations build had a sharp difficulty jump and the lead dev outright stated it was because their goal is to just kill the player before endgame. It's why they keep patching cheese with stuff like zombies crawling under cars/breaking furniture/lunging over fences....
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 17e2758d9293d3839d25648375dc4f41f23a477e · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates