另一种办法就是打开Project Zomboid Dedicated Server\steamapps\workshop\content\108600文件夹,找到需要更新的对应mod文件夹删除。然后记事本编辑在Project Zomboid Dedicated Server\steamapps\workshop文件夹下的appworkshop_108600.acf,查找对应mod的代码删除保存,然后启动服务器即可,他会自动下载更新mod。(这一步我不...
Once you finish changing the server configuration, pressCtrl + X,Y, andEnterto save the settings. Now, restart the host by pressingCtrl + Cin the tmux terminal and rerunning the bash script. Conclusion Hosting a Project Zomboid dedicated server provides more control and flexibility, allowing you...
Dedicated Server 注意的是这个游戏对于服务器要求还蛮高的,建议用一台比较强劲的机器。我人在澳洲,自...
https://hub.docker.com/r/danixu86/project-zomboid-dedicated-server WARNING:Running the image on Windows using WSL2 in Docker Desktop will make the server startup times significantly slower. This is fine unless you are running alot of mods in which case server startup times may vary from 15...
双击ProjectZomboidServer.bat开启服务器 再点Launcher_x64.exe 可以玩,运行ProjectZomboid64.bat启动游戏...
control the server settings, and much more! Without a dedicated server, you will be relying on random servers in the server browser every time you wish to play. With a Project Zomboid Server from Apex Hosting, any player can join your server whenever they please....
打开Project Zomboid Dedicated Server 可以看见一共有三个启动服务器的bat,分别是StartServer32.bat,StartServer64.bat以及StartServer64_nosteam.bat,如果你服务器是32位就编辑32位的,64位就编辑64位的,那个nosteam不用管,可能是用来局域网服务器测试的。云服务器应该都是64位的,这里就编辑64位。
Dedicated Server 注意的是这个游戏对于服务器要求还蛮高的,建议用一台比较强劲的机器。我人在澳洲,...
https://hub.docker.com/r/danixu86/project-zomboid-dedicated-server Environment variables This dockerfile converts some env variables to arguments in the server command, allowing to configure it. The image supports the following environment variables: ADMINPASSWORD: Sets or changes the admin password...
https://hub.docker.com/r/danixu86/project-zomboid-dedicated-server WARNING: Running the image on Windows using WSL2 in Docker Desktop will make the server startup times significantly slower. This is fine unless you are running alot of mods in which case server startup times may vary from ...