import*asZomboidfrom'project-zomboid-rcon'// Initialize the clientconstzomboid=newZomboid({host:"",// the IP address to your serverport:1234,// RCONPort in the server inipassword:"bestpasswordevermade"// RCONPassword in the server ini})// Connect to the server (this will throw if...
Project Zo..重要说明:双击 ProjectZomboid32.bat 或者 ProjectZomboid64.bat 开始游戏否则游戏闪退(看清楚后缀是 .bat 不是可执行程序 .exe )
Simple ZOMBOID Server Management Our custom control panel allows you to configure and customize your ZOMBOID server, upload files using FTP, install plugins and mods, switch locations, and add additional administrators. Low Ping Game Hosting
要加入您的Project Zomboid服务器,您需要复制您服务器的IP地址和端口,启动游戏并点击'加入'。在那里,给您的服务器起个名字,粘贴您的端口和IP,填写您的用户名和密码,然后点击'保存'。 我可以在我的Project Zomboid服务器上添加mod吗? 当然!我们在我们的Project Zomboid服务器上完全支持Steam创意工坊模组,让你和朋友...
游戏自带的ProjectZomboidServer.bat如何关闭比较好呢 只看楼主收藏回复 麻辣兔腿 生鸡腿 11 我用这个开了个房和朋友联机。今天我一个人上去一看,好像少了很多的尸体,一些箱子里的东西没了,不过技能什么的都还在,然后就是,我回我的小窝一看,里面什么时候住进了一对***,打完***以后发现,还有好多僵尸……什么...
Joining a Project Zomboid server can be confusing for new players, so we have created this guide to ease you through the setup process.
docker run -d \ --name project-zomboid-server \ -p 16261:16261/udp \ -p 16262:16262/udp \ -v <zomboid-folder>:/home/steam/Zomboid \ # 서버 데이터가 저장되는 경로 -v <workshop-folder>:/home/steam/pzserver/steamapps/workshop \ # 스팀 워크샵(모... WARNING: Running the image on Windows using WSL2 in Docker Desktop will make the server startup times significantly slower. This is fine unless you are running alot of mods in which case server startup times may vary from ...
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minutes of purchasing, you are ready to run your Project Zomboid without any roadblocks. Our top of the line dedicated server hardware allows you to run your Project Zomboid without ever having to worry about lag or latency, no matter which of our worldwide locations the server is located in...