This is why I never bought the game. Too busy to add features but they're on top of every useful strategy to nerf into the ground. I'm sure they'll eventually add sunburns that literally kill you if you camp on a roof soon. 2 years ago Anonymous After reading all this I've lost...
While zombie apocalypse will always be our core focus for the vanilla game, we want Zomboid to provide a breadth of survival mechanics and content that, especially with mods, make a solid foundation for many other varied survival experiences outside the looting and zombie gameplay. This includes ...
This is where we imagine zomboid could become an even more exciting modding platform, and in no way a small aspect of why we want this framework to exist in the game as we’d be extremely excited to see what modders will bring to the table (as we always are). So what will you be ...
This includes ironing the final kinks out of ChrisW’s rooftop rendering and peeking changes – as right now in the beta we’ve still got a few irritations like occasional see-through roof slants, canopies around the edges of buildings that never disappear and wonky player-built second floors...
“Sadly, I died once while laying tiles on the roof, which is why there’s a corpse somewhat ruining the atmosphere in the Zen garden.” FRENCH APZDITSA NEXT WEEK! Are you a member of the French Community, and would you like the opportunity toAskProjectZomboidDevelopersTheIndieStoneAnything...
BUILD 38 Build 38 is fully baked, but requires two roof-rendering fixes to player-made bases from ChrisW who’s beavering away at them as we speak. We didn’t want to wreck the views of solo savegame and server player bases with a public release, and will be patching in further twea...
We released Vehicle Test Build 16 on Friday, which was something of a ‘wider IWBUMS testing’ preparation build as it put vehicles on a toggle accessed from the Game Select screen. It also corrected and darkened shadow positioning as well as, hopefully, prevented unrealistic car-climbing and ...
The first are visibility issues with porches, overhangs and buildings like garage forecourts with supported roofs –as is shown here by Captain Dringo. The best way to sort this is to have the data marked up so that canopies and porches and similar structures can be hidden cleanly – to wh...
“Cows and sheep can now recognize a roof area and stay under it during heavy rain, I’ve been trying to get sheep to move in more of a flock most of the time, and baby animals will follow their mother more correctly. You can also now drop food directly on ground for them to eat...
You’ll also be able to create templates from existing buildings, which’ll allow you to neatly and systematically build similar buildings using that same decor and furniture. You can now also add roofs to buildings using various different slope designs, which takes a bunch of pain out of ...