Project Zomboid Moderation Commands addalltowhitelist- Add all current users to the whitelist to project their account.adduser [Username] [Password]- Create a new user to a whitelisted server.addusertowhitelist- Add an existing user to the whitelist to project their account.banid [SteamID64]- ...
import{ZomboidCommands,ZomboidRconClient}from'project-zomboid-rcon' Example import*asZomboidfrom'project-zomboid-rcon'// Initialize the clientconstzomboid=newZomboid({host:"",// the IP address to your serverport:1234,// RCONPort in the server inipassword:"bestpasswordevermade"// RCONPasswo...
connect() // All valid commands are provided in the zomboid.ZomboidCommands enum // Run commands using the .send() function on the zomboid class zomboid.send(ZomboidCommands.GRANT_ADMIN, "Alex") // granting admin to Alex // More than 1 argument? Supply in the same string! zomboid.send(...
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 17e2758d9293d3839d25648375dc4f41f23a477e · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
Whether you’re modding your Project Zomboid server or having fun with commands, sometimes the world can get messy. This can mean too many zombies are roaming around or items are left all over the place. Solving these kinds of problems requires you to perform a soft reset on the server. ...
1. We need to prepare your Linux system before we can get the Project Zomboid Server up and running. If you are running a Debian system like Ubuntu, the following two commands can ensure you have an updated base to work from. sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -yCopy 2. Your next step...
We’re always hard at work on our next Project Zomboid update, as you can see in ourThursdoid blog posts. However, with so much information, it may be difficult to remember just what exactly is in our next update, so we’ve decided to put all the important information on a single pag...
Vehicles added. Survivors of the Knox Event can drive vehicles and explore every nook and cranny of the vast Project Zomboid map. Vehicles are enhanced with real physics, and come with all the expected sundries such as a UI dashboard, headlights, expanded inventory space, car horns, air condi...
In a file explorer tab, navigate toUser > Zomboid > Mods. In a new file explorer tab, head over toC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600or the equivalent folder on your operating system. Open the folder with theWorkshop ID of the desired mod. ...
Project Zomboid has two different kinds of spawn point options, fixed and custom choices. A fixed spawn point will force all players to spawn there when they first log in to the server or respawn without giving them a choice of where to spawn. Custom spawn choices are the same as ...