In order to survive the hordes of undead it's important to know the most dangerous areas. This article covers the top ten most dangerous locations in Project Zomboid, with tips on how to fight the zombies there.
This Project Zomboid mod makes some changes to items to allow for a more more 'action movie' style gameplay. - project-zomboid-guns-blazin/ at main · Elyrith/project-zomboid-guns-blazin
Fictional universes have been showing you the biggest life-hack of them all for getting better at Project Zomboid. The Last Of Us would be a miserable experience if Joel didn't have Ellie. Train to Busan would be ten times scarier if the protagonist was alone on the ride. Get some friend...
Lowered over all crit-chance with all guns, and made it so crit-chance decreases with range instead of increases with range. The net result being that before most zombies would die in 1 shot, now most zombies take 2 or even 3 shots, even with 10 aiming. Shotguns are still good but ye...
If you are bored at this point it’s fine to skip to the guns. First of all, before anyone gets excited about this being used for mod UIs for gameplay, we’re strictly only allowing this to be enabled when debug is activated in the game. ...
“knightly” – looking like they should be part of a renaissance fair. We don’t want to be too goofy, although there are a few more ‘fun’ options in there, and we don’t want anything that doesn’t look like it belongs in the Zomboid setting. Importantly armour should work like ...
Project Zomboid is a survival game filled with numerous surprises among them finding guns is the best moment. Because Getting guns from an unexpected source or location always amazed the player. And, All this result in influencing players to find more guns in the game. Below we are covering ...
“knightly” – looking like they should be part of a renaissance fair. We don’t want to be too goofy, although there are a few more ‘fun’ options in there, and we don’t want anything that doesn’t look like it belongs in the Zomboid setting. Importantly armour should work like ...
If you are bored at this point it’s fine to skip to the guns. First of all, before anyone gets excited about this being used for mod UIs for gameplay, we’re strictly only allowing this to be enabled when debug is activated in the game. ...