在此设置服务器配置,注意在此可以设置服务器密码、开启的模组以及世界的规则(如经验倍率)等 创建好并保存服务器配置 上传服务器配置 使用FileZilla等软件登入服务器(注意这里使用pzuser这个账号登陆) 导航本地站点至C:\User\用户名\Zomboid\Server目录下 导航本地站点至C:\User\用户名\Zomboid\Server目录下 导航远程...
之后把本地的配置文件上传到服务器的/root/Zomboid/Servers 文件夹即可 传文件我用的是filezilla 传文件我用的是filezilla,具体怎么用可以百度。 最后,使用screen让服务器在ssh断开后也能运行,注意,如果服务器关机了screen创建的也会没掉,具体使用和常见的问题可以看: https://blog.csdn.net/springlustre/article/det...
《Project Zomboid》支持多人联机模式,玩家可以与朋友一起共同面对末日挑战。在多人模式下,服务器的性能要求也至关重要。如果你计划搭建自己的游戏服务器,需要考虑以下几点: 操作系统:Windows Server 2016 或更高版本,Linux 处理器:四核处理器,2.5 GHz 或更高 内存:8GB RAM 网络要求:稳定的网络连接(10 Mbps或更高...
Project Zomboid Linux Server Manager (pzlsm) - terminal tool for manage Project Zomboid server on Linux. - openzomboid/pzlsm
version: "3.7" services: project-zomboid: image: ghcr.io/cyrale/project-zomboid restart: unless-stopped environment: SERVER_NAME: "pzserver" ADMIN_PASSWORD: "pzserver-password" ports: - "8766:8766/udp" - "8767:8767/udp" - "16261:16261/udp" - "16262-16272:16262-16272" - "27015:27015...
对于希望以较低硬件配置来体验《Project Zomboid》基本玩法的玩家,以下是游戏的最低配置要求: 操作系统:Windows 7 (64位)、macOS 10.10、Linux 处理器:双核处理器,2.0 GHz 内存:4GB RAM 显卡:OpenGL 3.2兼容显卡(集成显卡如Intel HD系列也可勉强支持)
1. We need to prepare your Linux system before we can get the Project Zomboid Server up and running. If you are running a Debian system like Ubuntu, the following two commands can ensure you have an updated base to work from. sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -yCopy 2. Your next step...
Project Zomboid, a survival game from The Indie Stone that's currently in Early Access just had a big new stable release, and it should now work better on the Steam Deck and with controllers overall. Currently a Steam Deck Verified title, it actually wasn't supposed to be Verified until ...
Not long at all after putting up a special Beta for testing, The Indie Stone have now set the massive Build 41 overhaul for the Zombie survival game Project Zomboid up as the official new version.