针对您遇到的错误 project with path ':easyble-x' could not be found in project ':app',这个问题通常是由于在 Android Studio 项目中的配置不正确导致的。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,您可以按照这些步骤逐一排查和解决问题: 1. 检查项目路径和模块依赖 首先,确保 :easyble-x 模块确实存在于您的项目结构中。
从svn上checkout下来的工程报这个错误。原来是setting.gradle没有更新上去。 fromhttps://blog.csdn.net/lvshuchangyin/article/details/51780431: 刚从服务器上剪下来的工程编译死活报 project with path '... ' could not be found in project ' app' 这个错, 找不到依赖库,可是检查工程里面有这个呀,一开始...
将项目重新导入的时候发现moudle依赖出了问题,项目找不到依赖,但是我gradle里面确实compile了这个项目,但是发现还是找不到。后来发现依赖一个项目不仅要在gradle里面compile,还要在settings.gradle里面include这个moudle才行。 最后编辑于:
Android > Project with path ‘:audiovisualize‘ could not be found in project ‘:app‘. 异常解决方案 👉点击跳转到网站 在自己项目中引入Github上的module,就直接把需要的module复制到了项目中,结果报如下异常: 经过查询发现问题原因: 在setting.gradle这个配置文件里面少了依赖工程的配置...
简介:Android > Project with path ‘:audiovisualize‘ could not be found in project ‘:app‘. 异常解决方案 在自己项目中引入Github上的module,就直接把需要的module复制到了项目中,结果报如下异常: 经过查询发现问题原因: 在setting.gradle这个配置文件里面少了依赖工程的配置信息 ...
Project with path ':@react-native-community_async-storage' could not be found in project ':app'. I have checked previous similar issue. One stuff I don't get is that I am supposed to remove manual linking, but I have never put it in place. ...
Hello, I'm using this framework and when I put flutter_unity_widget: ^0.1.6+2 in android/pubspec.yalm and run the app, occurred this error: I tried to configure the project as shown in the tutorial, I am using Unity 2019.3.0a11, can you ...
Invalid project path: Include path not found (C:\ti\ccsv5\msp430\include) please tel me the solution.. thank you. Sunil Shet 说: please tel me the solution.. It seems pretty clear to me: it's telling you that the pathC:\ti\ccsv5\msp430\includecould not be found. ...
SecurityGroupCouldNotBeCreated = 19001 無法建立安全組。 SecurityFieldAccessIDInvalid = 19003 安全性欄位存取代碼標識碼無效。 SecurityCannotUpdateFacForNonExistentCategory = 19004 安全性類別不存在;無法更新欄位存取程式代碼。 SecurityDuplicateCategoryUid = 19005 重複的安全性類別 GUID。 SecurityDuplicateGroupUid...
编译运行 react native 项目报错:Project with path ':react-native-picker' could not be found in project ':app'. 今天在 Android studio 中跑拉下来的 react native 的项目时,报了 Project with path ':react-native-picker' could not be found in project ':app'. 的错误: ...