Conda的设计初衷是为了简化Python环境的版本管理和依赖管理,但它也可以用于打包和管理任何语言的软件,所以要用到很多的第三方的包的时候就可以创建这个模式。 3.custom environment(自定义环境) 这个里面也包含两种,一个是generate new (新...
If you want to proceed with the Project venv or Base conda interpreter, select the corresponding option and click Create. Project venv PyCharm creates a virtualenv environment based on the system Python in the project folder. note If you don't have the Python version in your system, you can...
Your current environment Collecting environment information... WARNING 07-16 03:53:58] Failed to import from vllm._C with ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'vllm._C'") /disk3/renyanfu/liukaiyuan/project/opencompass/v...
! You don't need to set up a pip virtual environment, if you already have your conda environment set up.Open an Anaconda prompt or other command prompt Go to the root folder of the project and create a Python environment with pip using commandline command python -m venv venv This will ...
, specify the name of the package manager, the complete path to the manager binary, and a comma-separated list of packages installed by that manager. If this remains unchanged, the package manager widget will likely not work, especially if you are working with a venv or conda environment....
environment-file: conda/dev.yaml channels: conda-forge,nodefaults activate-environment: pyclass use-mamba: true miniforge-variant: Mambaforge - name: Install deps run: poetry install - name: Run semantic release (for tests) if: ${{ github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' }} env: GITHUB_...
export type KnownEnvironmentTools = | 'Conda' | 'Pipenv' | 'Poetry' | 'VirtualEnv' | 'Venv' | 'VirtualEnvWrapper' | 'Pyenv' | 'Unknown'; /** * Type of the environment. It can be {@link KnownEnvironmentTypes} or custom string which was contributed. */ export type EnvironmentType =...
Type of virtual environment used (N/A | venv | virtualenv | conda | ...): conda Relevant/affected Python packages and their versions: Django version 2.1.3 and its relative dependencies Actual behavior When creating a Django project by following the respective documentation: https://code.visual...
11] generating GPU P2P access cache in /home/ben/.config/vllm/gpu_p2p_access_cache_for_0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.json /nvme0n1/ben/venvs/venv-vllm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/ FutureWarning: `resume_download` is ...
(Option II: Using Anaconda) The steps are similar ( conda create -n gptac_venv python=3.11 # Create anaconda environment conda activate gptac_venv # Activate anaconda environment python -m pip install -r requirements.txt # This step is the ...