遇到Project Target Framework Not Installed解决方法 背景 最近同事传了一份C#的代码给我,我打开的时候遇到如下问题 Project Target Framework Not Installed,大概的就是项目需要版本是netframework 4.6.2,但是我本地是没有安装,是否需要切换到 .netframework4.6.1,或者安装4.6.2,以及其他。 在这里插入图片描述 解决方...
背景 最近同事传了一份C#的代码给我,我打开的时候遇到如下问题 Project Target Framework Not Installed,大概的就是项目需要版本是netframework 4.6.2,但是我本地是没有安装,是否需要切换到 .netframework4.6.1,或者安装4.6.2,以及其他。 在这里插入图片描述 解决方法 如果本机上安装了其他的版本,或者是高版本的话...
Use computer with other default language than English (for me it was Czech) Open C# project in VS 2019 (16.1.6) that targets .NET 4.6.1 (or 4.6.2, 4.6.3) that is not installed on the computer Project Target Framework Not Installed popu...
但问题来了,打开项目时,出现:“.NETFramework Version=V4.0 which is not installed on this machine”报错。 百度了好久,重启了电脑,没啥帮助,最后想起来VS2017安装时可以自定义设置,选择好.NET Framework 4 目标包,安装后也没有重新启动电脑,问题解决了。
installer can be enhanced not to show .NET components/packages as installed when they were not installed in reality - VS installer only showed issue with the two packages - it did not give me information that some other components couldn’t be installed because of missing ...
Description I downloaded from .net official web, installed success, but when I open old project, go to Project Properties/Target Framework, the NET 8.0 didn't appear (Windows 11/Visual Studio 2022) Open terminal dotnet --info-sdks Could ...
IVsInstalledProduct IVsIntelliMouseHandler IVsIntellisenseEngine IVsIntellisenseProject IVsIntellisenseProjectEventSink IVsIntellisenseProjectHost IVsIntellisenseProjectManager IVsInvalidateCachedCommandState IVsInvisibleEditor IVsInvisibleEditorManager IVsItemTypeResolutionService IVsItemTypeResolutionSite IVs...
Does not modify the Project object. C# 复制 public bool Build (string target, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger> loggers, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Microsoft.Build.Logging.ForwardingLoggerRecord> remoteLoggers); Parameters target String Target to build...
Target framework: .Net 6 Operating system: Windows 10 (21H2) IDE: Visual Studio Version 17.3.4 Edit: Found a solution (pending fix) Unload another projectScaffolding failed. Could not load information for project#2019 (comment)or Make a new project, add scaffolding then copy to the main pro...
To get started, you need to first create a new C# User Control Library. You should now change the target framework from .NET Framework 4 Client Profile to .NET Framework 4. Next, you can remove the default UserControl1.xaml and add a new WPF Window. Through ...