Can only be used for internal tables, non-transactional tables, and non-clustered tables. Valid values: The value of this parameter must be a positive integer. For example,{"table1": 1, "table2": 5}. ALL Scheduling Session odps.stage.reducer.num ...
for example, to use Big Data to determine how well your sales campaigns perform, but even greater business value is derived when an enterprise can determine not only who became customers but also how valuable those prospects were (i.e., how much they...
For example, it is recognized that trees are not generally permitted in hydro corridors. In such cases, the plantable space estimate can indicate the space that may be available for other types of NBCS or what may be possible if allowances are made in the future. Tree planting rules were ...
For an overview of the integration supported by the Azure Boards app for GitHub, see Azure Boards-GitHub integration. Supported authentication options The following supported authentication options depend on the GitHub platform you are connecting to: Platform GitHub Enterprise Server Azure De...
Example: grant read on package Information_Schema.systables to user RAM$; Metadata views The metadata views of the Information Schema service allow you to browse and retrieve metadata. The usage information views of the Information Schema service allow you to optimize jobs...
To enable Kiosk mode, simply add akiosk=<platform_id>URL parameter. The full path of the page to be embedded must be used. For example, if Kiali is accessed via HTTPS: To embed theOverviewpage, usehttps://kiali_path/overview?kiosk=console. ...
5.2.4. Reseller Overview Reseller Overview Phase 1 of Reseller 5.3. Project Security Management Project Security Management 5.3.1. Create a Security Group 5.3.2. Add a Security Group Rule 5.3.3. Delete a Security Group Rule
For details, see Permissions overview.Jira applications can be configured to allow users to create issues without having logged in. To do this, you need to allow anonymous users to browse, search, and create issues in that project. Anonymous users will have access equivalent to Jira Cor...
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 789108, ELVER). This work was partially supported by EPSRC grant EP/K008528/1 REMS: Rigorous Engineering for Mainstream Systems, ...
Try Wrike for free Search FAQ, resources... Guide overview 1. Project Management Basics 2. Project Management Methodologies 3. Project Management Life Cycle 4. Best Project Management Software Here’s a list of the project management software we review fully in this guide: The best 15 projec...