Nexus技能翻译 v2.0版(http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1735002858)Madness Project Nexus武器介绍翻译(http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1777834046)的合集请勿在未发完之前恶意插楼,谢谢(‘Madness Project Nexus武器介绍翻译’步枪部分在此放出) 送TA礼物 1楼2012-08-09 00:47回复 ThePacificYlor 黑化L33T 6 个人...
MADNESS: Project Nexusis athird-person Run n' Gun / Beat'Em Upfilled with arcade-style action and button-mashing brutality. Shoot, stab, bash, chop, and slaughter your way through over 16 hours of intense combat. Your wits will be challenged. Your nerves will be tested. Blood will probab...
16.8万 1353 8:21 App 【暴力迪吧正传】12 Madness Combat 12: Contravention 4.2万 683 25:34 App 【授权转载】MADNESS:Project Nexus ANIMATED l MADNESS DAY 2024 l 376 -- 12:49 App MPN NAI MOD 2-D最高难度无伤(邪道) 2250 3 27:54 App MPN1超精良MOD 【3】【MOD自带剧情翻译】 1820 2...
MADNESS: Project Nexus is a third-person Run n' Gun / Beat'Em Up filled with arcade-style action and button-mashing brutality. Gun your way through droves of bad guys in the Story Campaign, or build your perfect killing machine in the neverending onslaug
222 1 9:23 App Madness - Project Nexus 7 250 -- 3:02 App Madness - Project Nexus 1 180 -- 8:48 App Madness - Project Nexus 6背刺(封面) 7430 105 5:33 App 暴力迪吧 - 联合计划汉化版1 16.6万 1350 8:21 App 【暴力迪吧正传】12 Madness Combat 12: Contravention 1.9万 188 11...
折叠编辑本段Madness:Projec用扬候啊来艺更运tNexus 该游戏改编自国外著名FLASH动画madness combat(译名暴力迪吧)是原动画作者Krinkels(露强反理受就亮婷提Fans们把他称为:老K)阶斗块候会领金短行和Swain制作的正版游戏活盟格针青粒衡阳至。分为自由模式和故事较模式两种模式。各大游戏网站是1.4老版本。