Set a project name Project names must contain only lowercase letters, decimal digits, dashes, and underscores, and must begin with a lowercase letter or decimal digit. If the base name of the project directory or current directory violates this constraint, alternative mechanisms are available. ...
CustomFieldNameMatchesIntrinsicField = 11530 自定義功能變數名稱符合內建欄位。 CustomFieldInvalidAggregationType = 11531 匯總類型無效。 CustomFieldProjectFormulaFieldsMustUseFormulaAggregation = 11532 專案公式欄位必須使用公式匯總。 CustomFieldMustSpecifyEitherIDorUID = 11700 必須指定自定義欄位識別碼或 GUID。
Docker Compose项目名称不能为空的错误处理 如果在使用Docker Compose时遇到“Docker compose project name must not be empty”错误,通常是因为没有为项目指定名称。在这种情况下,我们只需在docker-compose命令中加入-p或--project-name选项,并指定一个项目名称即可解决该问题。 docker-compose-pmyproject up-d 1. ...
Connecting to the Session Once a user has identified the session they want to join and supplies a name, the RemoteSessionManager must be able to connect them to the selected session. This will be handled by a new JoinSession method on the RemoteSessionManager...
A file that already exists in the Visual Studio Analyzer project has the same name as the one you entered. Although you can have more than one event log or filter in a Visual Studio Analyzer project, the path to each one must be unique....
ITCAM for SOA 7.2 Fix Pack 1 KD4WS0097E:The target project name to import must be specified. Explanation The target project name was not specified. Operator response Try the operation again, and verify that the name of the target project name to import is specified....
C:\a\1\s\BearerTokenRetrieve\BearerTokenRetrieve.csproj(1,1): error MSB4041: The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please add xmlns="" to the...
The steps in this walkthrough are based on a C# project. However, except for specifics such as file name extensions and code, you can use the same steps for a Visual Basic project. Prerequisites To complete this walkthrough, you must install the Visual Studio 2010 SDK. ...
Provide a name for the container. The name must be unique and not exceed 32 characters. This name identifies the container in the navigation window, status tables, and resource utilization reports. If a duplicate name is entered, the creation of the container fails. ...