“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail,” said the American Founding Father Benjamin Franklin. His advice is just as relevant today—especially when applied to project management. I’ve adapted the great man’s words to take account of the challenges that modern project m...
敏捷项目管理和PMP PMP®是项目管理专业人士(Project Management Professional)的简称,是美国项目管理协会(PMI)发起的一项全球性的项目管理专业人士认证。PMP认证的核心价值在于项目管理知识体系。 PMP认证注重的是项目管理的标准化和规范化,它提供了一套完整的项目管理方法和工具,帮助项目经理更好地规划、执行和监控项目...
aspects of using an agile approach in each project management process group versus using a more predictive or waterfall approach. An agile approach is often used for projects in which the team cannot clearly express the scope early in the product life cycle. An agile project team typically uses...
agile project management 术语 agile project management 术语敏捷项目管理中有许多术语和概念,以下是一些常见的敏捷项目管理术语:1. 敏捷(Agile):一种以灵活、迭代和协作为核心的项目管理方法。2. Scrum:一种敏捷框架,强调迭代开发、自我组织和集中在交付价值上。3. 迭代(Iteration):一次短期的开发周期,在此...
A hybrid approach combines two or more of the above project management styles. This can be done in several ways, such as usingAgile for the development process and Waterfall for the testing process. The advantage of a hybrid approach is that it can be tailored to the specific needs of a ...
什么是敏捷项目管理 (Agile Project Management)? 如果您是项目管理领域的新手,那么大量不熟悉的术语和过程将会令人生畏。毕竟,作为日常工作的一部分,项目经理有许多角色和职责要执行。 项目经理负责为其管理的项目制定有效的项目计划和所有必要的辅助计划。他们识别并管理与项目相关的风险......
Simplify your project management needs by using the right framework for your team.TryMindManager for freetoday! What is the Agile framework? TheAgile methodologyis an approach to project management that focuses on incremental and iterative steps to completing projects. Agile methodologies are flexible ...
Agile project management has been gaining prominence in recent years as more and more organizations are looking for ways to be more flexible and responsive to their customer's needs. This article will explain what Agile project management is and provide
How are agile projects managed? Sometimes when I'm teaching a Certified ScrumMaster® class, I wink and let the attendees in on the "deep, dark secret" of agile: It's all about micromanagement. Almost every principle and practice of agile is there to support micromanagement. The daily ...