This report describes neutron-flux and dose determinations made in Operation Plumbbob with the Hurst threshold-detector technique. The measurements were made by personnel engaged in work on Civil Effects Test Group (CETG) Project 39.5 for other projects in the CETG program. (Author)*DOSIMETRYMehl...
Operation PLUMBBOB. Project 2.9. Nuclear Radiation Received by Aircrews Firing the MB-1 Rocket.DosimetryRadiation shieldingFlight crewsDose rateGamma raysNeutronsNuclear radiationDosimetersAircraft rocketsAir to airThe objective of this project was to measure the total neutron + gamma dosages received ...
Operation Plumbbob, Nevada Test Site, May-October 1957, Project 33.3, Tertiary Effects of Blast - DisplacementNuclear explosionsBlastGuided missilesDisplacementWindAirburstSmokeCamerasRange(Distance)NevadaThe objective was to determine the velocity and distance of translation of anthropomorphic dummies and ...