A PERT chart also serves as aproject management toolthat pulls in data from every department working on the project. This helps project managers identify who is doing what and provides clear responsibilities for those tasks. Strong communication is facilitated between departments, and the overall stra...
Gantt charts are basically bar charts, while PERT charts are flow charts. Although both these charts make the task of project management easier, what makes a PERT chart less preferable is that it can be very confusing and complex at times. This is not the case with a Gantt chart....
Luckily for project managers, there are many alternatives when it comes to choosing a project management chart to facilitate project planning efforts. In fact, using those charts is often a need for project managers. You’ll need to use a Gantt chart or a work breakdown structure to build you...
What is a PERT Chart & Where to Use a PERT Chart PERTstands forProgram Evaluation Review Techniquewhich is the method used in a Project Management analysis where the entire project is divided into multiple events. The events are connected with tasks applied, forming a network of parallel and s...
The critical path method, also calledCPM, is another project management chart, with which Agile planners can display the critical path in PERT and Gantt charts, so the appropriate method is not an either/or choice. Burn down, and burn up, charts provide useful...
The purpose of a PERT chart is to better understand how to connect tasks to one another, giving a clear visual of dependencies. You can use this project management chart chart to evaluate required resources and estimate task duration and team allocation. ...
To learn more about using critical path in project management, check out our article, “How Understanding Critical Path Can Drive Project Management Success.“ If you’re trying to shorten the duration of a project, you can use a critical path diagram in conjunction with a PERT chart. ...
Project management charts can take many different forms, from graphs and matrices to calendars and diagrams. Charts are specialized to best display a certain kind of data. Some charts require more context to understand than others. Remember that no single chart shows the whole story, so in most...
A number of charting methods, such as theGantt chartandPERT charthave been developed as tools to create a graphic representation of a project plan and its current status. Multiple PM software options are available to project managers to aid in monitoring project tasks and project. ...
A list of 8 effective project management tools that project managers should know, including creating Gantt chart, PERT chart, WBS diagram, calendar, timeline, status table, HOQ, and mind map.