approximately four hundred thousand managers who have obtained the Project management Certification from the Project Management Institute. PMI is a worldwide leader in the production of some of the finest management courses. To join this elite group, you have to pass the exam organized by the PMI...
Project Management Institute (PMI)is the world's leading association for those who consider project, program or portfolio management their profession. PMI membership signals that you’re serious about yourproject managementcareer and your professional development. It highlights this dedication to employers...
PMI的意思 PMI 英文缩写PMI 英文全称Project Management Institute 中文解释美国项目管理协会 缩写分类经济管理、机构组织 缩写简介PMI(Project Management Institute)是“美国项目管理协会”的简称它的成员主要以企业、大学、研究机构的专家为主。现在已经有4万多会员。PMI的重要贡献是开发了一套项目管理知识体系(PMBOK)。
Established in 1969 and situated outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, the Project Management Institute (PMI) was founded by five volunteers. The
项目管理协会(Project Management Institute,简称PMI)于1969年在美国成立,致力于全球范围内的项目管理研究、标准制定和出版、价值倡导、职业认证和学位课程认证。PMI在教育、会议、标准、出版和认证等方面发起技术计划和活动,以提高项目管理专业的水准。现在,PMI已经成为一个全球性的项目管理知识与智囊中心。如果您想参加PMP...
Go ROHO - Project Management Institute that supports Project Professionals to Thrive & Succeed & offer project management certification online
PMI是PMP证书,指项目管理专业人员资格认证。它是由美国项目管理协会Project Management Institute(PMI)发起的,严格评估项目管理人员知识技能是否具有高品质的资格认证考试。其目的是为了给项目管理人员提供统一的行业标准。作为项目管理资格认证考试,已在国际上树立了其权威性。PMI简介:PMI的全称是Project Management ...
This year's congress served as the launching point for PMI's New Media Council, a group of project management industry bloggers and podcasters that have an influence in the online space. The panel was initiated to help PMI understand new and emerging trends in the profession, especially those...
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PMI is the world’s largest not-for-profit membership association for the project management profession. The institute published the PMBOK ® (Project Management Body of Knowledge) that focuses on project management processes. It talks about what, when and how to do the project. The exam is ...