不過,有項技術您可能從未考慮過,因為 Microsoft 沒有將其列在 SharePoint 產品及技術範圍內,這就是企業專案管理(Enterprise Project Management,EPM),該技術通過 Microsoft Office Project Server (MOPS) 2007 啟用。但MOPS 2007 是 SharePoint 技術,它構建在 WSS 3.0 的基礎之上,並以與 MOSS 2007 相容的方式進行...
Link your SharePoint Online library to view and edit files or share with team members for seamless, secure collaboration. Upload files to projects and attach relevant files directly to tasks to keep them close to hand when you need to access them. ...
Experts in Microsoft SharePoint and Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Solutions. Delivering cost effective collaborative Work Management Solutions for all.
Project Online 是 Project Portfolio Management (PPM) 和日常工作的彈性在線解決方案。 Project Online 提供強大的專案管理功能,可讓您從幾乎任何裝置上的任何地方規劃、排定優先順序及管理專案和專案組合投資。 系統管理員、組合管理員和檢視者、專案和資源管理員、小組負責人和成員都可以使用 Project Online。
Project management tips before you start . . . Make sure you’re starting at the right place.If you’re early in the planning process, you might not want to use Project at all. Perhaps you have a simple list on a SharePoint site, or in Excel, or...
Share PowerPoint slides, Excel sheets, or a OneNote notebook to share project plans. People can participate in online meetings in their office, at home, or by using their mobile device. Return to The project management road mapNeed more help? Want more options? DiscoverComm...
Absolutely, our expert development team can assist you with any custom development requirement in relation with SharePoint or Project Server/Online. This includes integration with other Line of Business (LOB) Applications you may have. Custom product development lifecycle can be highly optimised with...
When things get even more complicated, you can tap into Project Server, SharePoint, and Outlook. Follow the links in each step to get detailed information about each process. This article is one of many project management goals onthe Project Road Map. ...
Written by a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and Microsoft SharePoint MVP with 15 years of IT project management experience, each chapter inclSy, DuxO'Reilly MediaO'Reilly Vlg. GmbH & Co.Share Point 2010 for Project Management.. Dux Raymond Sy. . 2012...
关闭之前的"SharePoint 2019 Management Shell"然后新打开一个(因为经过配置,Shell环境有变,而这在之前的Shell中没有得到反映)。在新的"SharePoint 2019 Management Shell"中执行PowerShell脚本Enable-ProjectServerLicense.ps1,如图: 于是Project Server功能得以启用。随后我们安装中文语言包cn_sharepoint_server_2019_lang...