years and have had a great experience. I entered the Civil Service through a Fast Track Apprenticeship scheme and initially struggled with adapting to the environment but with support from management I was able to quickly find my feet and became a productive member of the Project Management team...
Epstein’s death in August 1967 left the Beatles without management; Starr remarked: “[It was] a strange time for us, when it’s someone who we’ve relied on in the business, where we never got involved.” Soon afterwards, the band began an ill-fated film project, Magical Mystery Tour...
4.3 Incorporation of Results The results of the feedback received during the EIS Public Consultation events were: Provided to HPPL and incorporated into project design decisions; and/or Utilised in the SIA and draft Social Impact Management Plan or other technical studies in the EIS and the ...
The Beatles signed Epstein’s first management contract, but Epstein did not. He later told Taylor, “Well, if they ever want to tear it up, they can hold me but I can’t hold them”. (Note: English law would have enforced the contract through the doctrine of part performance.) The ...