DaVinci Resolve Project Server(简称DRPS)是Blackmagic Design公司为其旗舰视频编辑软件DaVinci Resolve开发的一个专业视频制作协作平台。DRPS旨在通过分布式架构和高效的数据传输机制,实现多用户在线协作,提高视频制作团队的协作效率和项目进度。 2. Project Server在DaVinci Resolve中的主要功能和用途 主要功能: 多用户协...
Hi everyone. I am trying to render a project i have been working on in davinci resolve, and when it gets to 33% completed, it comes up with an error saying 'Render Job failed as the current clip could not be processed' it then says 'the fusion compositio
--- version: '3.8' x-common: database: &db-environment POSTGRES_DB: database POSTGRES_USER: &pg-user postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: DaVinci TZ: America/Chicago POSTGRES_LOCATION: &db-location "???:/var/lib/postgresql/data" backup: &backup-environment SCHEDULE: "@daily" BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS: 7...
---version:'3.8'x-common:database:&db-environmentPOSTGRES_DB:databasePOSTGRES_USER:&pg-user postgresPOSTGRES_PASSWORD:DaVinciTZ:America/ChicagoPOSTGRES_LOCATION:&db-location "???:/var/lib/postgresql/data"backup:&backup-environmentSCHEDULE:"@daily"BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS:7BACKUP_KEEP_WEEKS:4BACKUP_KEEP_...
1:基于远程服务器(即不处于同一局域网的服务器)的DaVinci Resolve Project Server 18目前处于基本不可用的状态。详细信息请见本文第六章; 2:本文使用DaVinci Resolve Project Server 18 Beta版,前序版本步骤基本相同,可以化用。同时,Beta版可能存在前序正式版中没有的问题。 3:本文使用腾讯云服务器,运行Windows Ser...
Capabilities of DaVinci Resolve Studio on various platforms Codec Software IQSV NVENC AVC Windows Yes Yes Yes AVC Linux No Yes Yes AVC macOS (Intel or M1) Yes No* No* HEVC Windows No Yes Yes HEVC Linux No Yes Yes HEVC macOS (Intel or M1) Yes No* No* *On macOS (Intel) and macO...
Hi, I just started using the davinci resolve project server, and I discovered a weird issue. I'm using version 18.5, and when I make a database on my Macbook, I can connect it to my PC and I can create a project and it shows up on both ends. The problem is when I try to ...
The UserVoice system has no Adobe responses, and a pile of comments from people deciding to try Davinci Resolve for there post solution in this thread that's almost half a year old for a bug that's been around for over a year and half... Bug - Audio effect settin...
www.metafide.com - DaVinci Resolve™ Apps websnail Posts:33 Joined:Thu Jun 30, 2022 1:19 pm Location:South Yorkshire, UK Real Name:Martin Smallridge Re: Remote Network Project server with a twist Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:53 pm Igor Riđanović wrote:I'm not sure that I follow. If...
在菜单左边最上面的DaVinci Resolve点击,然后第二个菜单{偏好设置}中,就看到如上图。在Language处选择中文,保存后重新启动软件就是大家最想最喜欢的中文版本啦!