Project integration management can be simply defined as the framework that allows project managers to coordinate tasks, resources,stakeholders, changes and project variables. Project managers can use different tools to make sure there are solidproject integration managementpractices in place. For example, ...
ProjectIntegrationManagement •ProjectIntegrationManagementisabout:–Ensuringthatthedeliverableduedates;–Providingaprojectmanagementplan;–Ensuringthecreationandtheuseoftheappropriateknowledge;–Managingtheperformanceandchangesoftheactivities;–Makingintegrateddecisions;–Measuringandmonitoringtheproject’sprogress;–...
Chapter4_Project_Integration_Management 第三章项目管理过程组--案例研究 InformationTechnologyProjectManagement,FourthEdition 管理资料 项目管理过程组 项目管理是一系列相互关联的过程组 例:制造电影包括剧本创作(启动)、制作(计 划)、表演和导演(实施)、编辑(监控)、在电 影院放映(收尾)等。...
▪Manynewprojectmanagershavetroublelookingatthe“bigpicture”andwanttofocusontoomanydetails.(Seeopeningcaseforarealexample.)▪Projectintegrationmanagementisnotthesamethingassoftwareintegration.3 Figure1-2.ProjectManagementFramework 4 Figure3-1.LevelofActivityandOverlapofProcessGroupsOverTime 5 Figure3-1.Level...
For example, if a project is not on schedule, you may need to choose between going over budget or finishing the project late. Assessing the situation and making an informed decision is a key part of project integration management. Integrated project management ensures projects are not managed in...
Project integration management is important for many different reasons. One reason is that it helps to reduce project risks and increase efficiency by reducing scope creep, ensuring that all tasks are completed on time, and providing better cost control. What is an example of project integration ma...
Example of project integration management Imagine a marketing team and an engineering team. The marketing team needs to develop content to generate buzz or send pre-release data to key stakeholders. You’d use project integration management to make sure that the engineering team properly hands off ...
(See opening case for a real example) • Project integration management is not the same thing as software integration 3 .iturls 沈备备 Project Integration Management Processes • Project Plan Development: taking the results of other planning processes and putting them into a consistent, coherent...
Good Project Integration Management Project managers must coordinate all of the other knowledge areas throughout a project’s life cycle. Many new project managers have trouble looking at the “big picture” and want to focus on too many details. (See opening case for a real example.) Project...