感想很主观很主观很主观,也很碎片,简述如下:1、其实,Project Hail Mary 这部小说的精彩并不在于众口一辞的“硬科幻”;我以为,亮点反而是落在故事的情感表达上了。要说硬科幻,Project Hail Mary 可不如The martian硬科幻。这个故事构造得过于宏大、过于玄奇、过于脱离现实状态了,需要的设定条件太多。科幻小说但凡搞...
全面超越作者自我的纯正硬科幻 “Hail Mary”是美式橄榄球里的俗语,特指在比赛最后一刻的放手一博(试图扭转战局的长传)。这个名字在本书的设定下是再准确不过了——不过作者也承认这个名字会给译者带来很大的麻烦。从 The Martian 到 Artemis,Andy Weir毫不妥协地高举硬科幻大旗,用他特有的扎实的nerd态度、严谨的g...
书中参与Project Hail Mary的国家 最后大家还讨论了书中对不同国家面对地球危机和参与计划时的相关描述,是否有刻板印象和偏见的成分。这方面讨论就不放了,大家可以自行展开想象。 扩展资料: 读者整理的作者硬伤合集:https://book.douban.com/review/13981657/ 哈佛大学中国朝代顺序背诵口诀歌:https://www.bilibili.co...
Full Review(643 words) (Reviewed byKim Kovacs). Membership Advantages Beyond the Book The Evolution of the U.S. Spacesuit In Andy Weir's science fiction novel,Project Hail Mary, the main character periodically dons a spacesuit to perform maintenance outside his spacecraft or to keep himself sa...
PROJECT HAIL MARY Earphones Award Winner by Andy Weir | Read by Ray Porter Science Fiction • 16.25 hrs. • Unabridged • © 2021 Through tone and pacing, narrator Ray Porter makes Andy Weir's fantastical space opera seem plausible. Porter captures the panic and semi-hysterical se...
1.Project Hail Marywill make you feel good. One of the core reasonsProject Hail Maryis such a masterpiece is because it exemplifies the concept of “feel-good science fiction.” A lot of science fiction hinges aroundend-of-the-world themesor scary creatures,murderous aliens, death, destructio...
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