在全书中都可以感受到作者的乐观主义,相信人类在面临生死存亡的巨大危机时,可以立刻团结在一起,集体为Project Hail Mary努力,而不是为求自保发动war争抢资源。 作者接受采访时还非常乐观地表示,相信covid会是人类最后一场pandemic,因为经历这场pandemic,从疫苗研发、支援发展中国家和科学界分享知识的角度看,人类都会...
《挽救计划》Project Hail Mary 图示 本文是安迪.威尔(《火星救援》作者)新著《挽救计划》Project Hail Mary的图示。 以下部分涉及严重剧透... 以下图片(除最后一张外)均来源自油管如下链接(侵删): Project Hail Mary - Going Centrifugal version 2 - YouTube Project Hail Mary - YouTube === 男主瑞恩·格...
Beyond the Book The Evolution of the U.S. Spacesuit In Andy Weir's science fiction novel,Project Hail Mary, the main character periodically dons a spacesuit to perform maintenance outside his spacecraft or to keep himself safe when conditions inside it become life-threatening. ...
2022-06-12 13:13:52 "We are as smart as evolution made us. So we're the minimum intelligence needed to ensure we are dominate our plants." He thinks it over. "I accept this. Still not explain why Earth intelligence evolve same level as Erid intelligence." "Our intelligence is based...
英文原版小说 挽救计划 Project Hail Mary 火星救援作者Andy Weir 进口原版书籍广州瑞雅图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 5.0 高 物流履约: 4.7 高 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 英文原版小说 挽救计划 Project Hail Mary 火星救援作者Andy Weir 进口原版...
Project Hail Mary的创作者· ··· 安迪·威尔作者 作者简介· ··· 安迪•威尔 从15岁起就被美国国家实验室聘为软件工程师。执着的太空宅男,沉迷于相对论物理学、轨道力学和载人飞船。凭借处女作《火星救援》一炮而红,由此改编的同名电影获七项奥斯卡提名。现专职写作。已出版作品:《火星救援》《月球城市》。
安迪.威尔的新作《挽救计划》Project Hail Mary,以科幻元素与深刻情感交织,描绘了瑞恩·格雷斯博士的非凡旅程。作为一位中学老师,瑞恩·格雷斯博士的命运陡转直下。阴差阳错之下,他成为了噬星体的测试对象,并在一系列事件后,被送上星际飞船“万福玛丽亚”,肩负起拯救地球的重任。孤独一人在休眠状态下...
The situation was terrifying, but the project itself was awesome. My inner nerd couldn’t help but be excited. ArcLight was the most expensive unmanned spacecraft ever built. The world needed answers and didn’t have time to dillydally. Normally if you asked a space agency to send a pro...
书名:Project Hail Mary 挽救计划 精装 作者:Andy Weir 出版社名称:Ballantine Books 出版时间:2021 语种:英语 ISBN:9780593135204 商品尺寸:16.1 x 3.8 x 24.6 cm 包装:精装 #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the author of The Martian, a lone astronaut must save the earth from disaster in this “propu...
内容提示: 《万福玛利亚计划》(Project Hail Mary) 高频词1 - 500[1] aback /ə'bæk/ 3 次adv. 向后, 朝后, 突然, 船顶风地r. having the wind against the forward side of the sailsr. by surprise[2] abandon /ə'bændən/ GRE CET6 CET4 TEM4TEM8 TOF KY IEL 2 次vt. 放弃...