英语缩写词 "PE" 在网络上通常代表 "Project Entropia",中文翻译为 "安特罗皮亚计划"。这篇文章将深入解析这个缩写词的含义,包括其英文单词的完整形式、中文拼音 "ān tè luó pí yà jì huà",以及它在英语中的使用频率,约为225次。PE被分类在计算机领域,特别适用于通用缩写。"PE" 作为 "...
1. 安特罗皮亚计划 安特罗皮亚计划(Project Entropia)由瑞典的MindArk公司开发,是一个背景设定在未来遥远行星Calypso上面的大型多人角色扮 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于87个网页 2. 因特匹亚计划 「因特匹亚计划」(Project Entropia)简述: Project Entropia ﹝因托比亚计画﹞是由瑞典 mindark 公司﹝www.mindark.com...
Project Entropia Generates Over $135,000 From Online Virtual Property Sales
the humans finally rid the planet of the renegade robots, only to find a new threat in a race of mutated humans that appeared after the war ended. Project Entropia begins in New Haven, a safe city on the planet that is being threatened by the mutated humans and an invading force of pow...
Earn Linden dollars & PED (Project Entropia Dollars). Fast pay outs. We are operating since 2012 and have distributed more than 1.5 million dollars worth PED and Linden Dollars. Check out how to join in a few clicks.
- EarnPEDs.com Founder EarnPEDs.com will help you to choose the best way(s) to make PEDs (Project Entropia Dollars) :) Almost everything in Entropia universe costs something, so the more PEDs you have - the faster and easier you can advance in game. ...
Entropia 音浪来袭-视听沉浸体验展 地点:上海市虹口区沙虹路 131 号瑞虹天地月亮湾 L5 月光露台 时间:2017 年 06 月 14 日-2017 年 07 月 12 日 如果你是一名游戏玩家,一定知道这个活动。 2017 年的 E3 大展将在 6 月 13 日至 16 日于洛杉矶会展中心拉开帷幕,届时,全球几大游戏产业巨头都将聚集在洛杉矶...
(redirected fromProject Equipment Inspection Record) AcronymDefinition PEIRPathology Education Instructional Resource(University of Alabama, Birmingham; Birmingham, AL) PEIRProfessionals and Executives in Retirement(Hofstra University; New York) PEIRPublic Expenditure and Institutional Review(World Bank) ...
Define Project ECHELON. Project ECHELON synonyms, Project ECHELON pronunciation, Project ECHELON translation, English dictionary definition of Project ECHELON. n. 1. a. A formation of troops in which each unit is positioned successively to the left or ri