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Iconography : S. Nishio, M. Hatano, M. Nagata, S. Horie, T. Koike, T. Tokuhisa, T. Mochizuki, Pkd1 regulates immortalized proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells through p53 induction and JNK activation, J. Clin. Invest. (2005) (4) pp.910-918....
These days I feel stressed out because I failed in the test of our school swimming team. That means I have to wait for a whole year to try out again. Maybe my dad knew how I___, so this Saturday he invited me to help him bake. He took...
分析及建议: 看着没什么问题,凸起可能是软骨,是正常结构,不放心的话可以做个甲状腺彩超,去甲状腺外科或甲状腺乳腺外科。 咨询时间: 2022-02-18 患者 喉结下面那块鼓的是不是甲状腺??没啥症状不知道是不是瘦的原因(男,23) 是结节吗 图片因隐私问题无法显示 ...