遇到第二个Agent是我在拿到驾照大半年后,当时是因为我老公的Driver Lisence考过了,然后Geico的车险Renew一下涨了近一半的钱,从每个月58刀到98刀,我当然就不干了,于是就去找其他家报价。Progressive,State Farm,Famers,AAA,Travelers,Esurance,Nationalwide,前前后后报了一圈,除了State Farm的价格比Geico的略低点,...
You can choose to either stay with your current auto insurance company or switch to Progressive. How Much Can You Save With Progressive Snapshot? You can earn a Snapshot discount when you renew your Progressive auto insurance policy, usually after six months of using the program. According to...
Living up to its name, the service provides fans, both international and domestic, a choice of subscriptions at special relaunch rates. 6-Month Subscription - $24.99, can cancel after six months or allow to auto renew Monthly Subscription - $4.99, option to cancel at any time. Can I watch...
4/8 – 10/7 间购买或续保,可以享受 15% off 但折扣只会用作 credit 用于之后 renew 保单使用 相比之下,Geico 有些小气了… USAA 退款 3/31 前参保的用户,会收到 2 个月保险费用的 20% 作为补偿 总额约为 5.2 亿美元 USAA 官网消息 State Farm 计划提供 Good Neighbor Relief Program 退款项目...