Indeed, the protagonists ofKrautrock 2,rather than just grow old gracefully,seem to have discovered the fountain of youth. Mani Neumeier, who turned 80 on the last day of 2020, looks physically fit, and brimming with enthusiasm. The core trio of Kraan are captured performing with the energy ...
Today (Friday) is the seventh anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. It's hard to believe that it's been seven years since we began a war that saw usgreeted as liberatorsby the Iraqi people, and in which we were, thankfully, able to safely remove the weapons of mass destruction that Sa...
At the age of eight years old, Arty's grandmother insisted that he should attend music school, from which he successfully graduated aged just fourteen. He learned to use FL Studio sequencer, and his love of video games and electronics led to his keen interest in production equipment. ...
Progressive rock music discography & reviews / from, the ultimate progressive rock website
Baker does precisely what he's supposed to, but he pops up far too much, breaking the sublime momentum that Ayreon records usually have with unnecessarily and embarrassingly dramatic clarifications and reactions (“She is Innocent,”“Inferno,”“Old Friend”). By doubling down on his proclivity...
While it’s unclear what changes his panel has in store for the FAA, current and former employees are bracing for Musk to focus on the little-known part of the agency that regulates his rocket company: the Office of Commercial Space Transportation, known as AST. “People are nervous,” sai...
Baker does precisely what he's supposed to, but he pops up far too much, breaking the sublime momentum that Ayreon records usually have with unnecessarily and embarrassingly dramatic clarifications and reactions (“She is Innocent,”“Inferno,”“Old Friend”). By doubling down on his proclivity...
people of this country that many of them had long since concluded that that type of Democrat had nothing to offer them but the same old b.s. that had already failed them, and so, if they hadn’t given up on politics altogether by then, they had become desperate enough to buy into ...
We all revolve around data and have this unwritten philosophy that you bring data “to the table”, and so often people review data analytics in meetings. They'll make a case using data so it’s more than opinions. Another example is my old boss, who presented me a hand-drawn stac...
designers worked together on connecting indoor and outdoor learning environments that delivered greater flexibility and tactility. Once a project was completed, practices like ours took time to work with educators to understand the affordances of the design rather than simply use new spaces in old ...