Four out of 10 Americans have already shifted their spending over the last few months to be more consistent with their moral views, according to theHarris poll. (Far more Democrats—50%—are changing their spending habits compared with Republicans—41%.) Calls to boycott Tesla apparently are ha...
Progressive Democrats of America Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles Progressive Democrats of North Carolina Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains Progressive Demokraten Progressive Depot Level Maintenance Progressive Design in Motion Progressive Developing Markets Ltd. Progressive Diaphyseal Dysplasia...
Professor Richard Wolff infers that the election of Donald Trump reflects America’s denial of the reality that it is no longer an unambiguous empire and has reached end-state capitalism. Rev. Dr. William Barber II Democrats must decide if they support the working poor & middle class. ...
Democrats have for DECADES refused to invest in communication. (Remember the whole thing around creating Air America?) “Conservatives” have put literally billions into communication since the 70’s. They have developed a huge propaganda apparatus. Part of that has been the research, training and ...
Progressive Democrats of America Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles Progressive Democrats of North Carolina Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains Progressive Demokraten Progressive Depot Level Maintenance Progressive Design in Motion Progressive Developing Markets Ltd. Progressive Diaphyseal Dysplasia... Help fix our Broken Election System (and it is still broken, even though we won in 2008) Black Box Voting Velvet Revolution Conventional NEWS Links CNN|Torture Lou Dobbs NPR MSNBC ABC CBS Fox will not be included here, since they are not really NEWS. TryHEREinstead. Or bette...
Facebook In case you missed it Six dimensions of post-election solace Dear white liberals, welcome to my world How the revolution in Kurdish Rojava fits in to the Syrian civil war Rex Tillerson: What does he really think about climate change? Who knows?
We fight efforts by the Republicans, with the complicity of conservative Democrats, to enact the Contract on America that would roll back nearly every progressive advance since the days of Teddy Roosevelt. And we resist attempts to amend or ignore the Bill of Rights, which we consider to be ...
The threat to America’s position in world affairs, with the possibility of the destruction of our foreign alliances, and instead, collaboration with authoritarian dictatorships, based upon the Communist model, despite Trump claiming the Democrats are “Communists, Socialists”!
No less an authority than former President ClintonwarnedDemocrats last year about the risks of demeaning people on the right. “I urge you to meet people where they are,” Clinton said during a speech at the Democratic National Convention. “I urge you not to demean them, but not to preten...