MedicalDictionaryfortheHealthProfessionsandNursing©Farlex2012 primary progressive aphasia AnatypicalformofDEMENTIAfeaturingprogressivelossofthelanguagefunctionwithoutseverememoryloss,lossofvisualandspacialskillsordeteriorationinbehaviour.Thedefectisessentiallyoneofwordcomprehensionsothatthereisinexorablelossoftheabilitytofind...
Primary progressive aphasia and semantic dementiadoi:10.1080/13554799508402345NoneNeurocase the Neural Basis of Cognition
aphasia [æˈfeɪzɪə]N→afasiaf Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Ataxia appears when there is a disease in one or more of the links in this system. Autonomic, cerebellar, frontal, and labyrinthic ataxias are distinguished according to the site of the condition. Static ataxia (disruption of balance when the person is standing) and locomotor ataxia (actual ...
Progressive aphasia Progressive Architecture Engineering progressive aspect progressive aspect Progressive Asset Management progressive ataxia Progressive Ataxia and Palatal Tremor Progressive Automotive X PRIZE Progressive Back Off Algorithm progressive bacterial synergistic gangrene Progressive Bag Alliance Progressive Be...
网络进行性失语 网络释义 1. 进行性失语 ...一概念,包括:Pick病、额颞叶变性(FTLD)、进行性失语(progressive aphasia)、语义性痴呆(semantic dementia).FTD早期有各 …|基于 1 个网页 释义: 全部,进行性失语
The condition is progressive and associated with hemispheric signs including sensory or motor deficits,aphasia, andapraxia. Seizures may occur. CT demonstrates hypodense lesions (Fig. 12-54,A). MRI revealswhite matterlesions typically either parieto-occipital or frontal in distribution, with hypointens...
Rapidly progressive aphasic dementia and motor neuron disease are a distinctive clinical entity whose nosology is poorly understood. Show more Author and article information Journal PubMed ID:: 8257465 DOI:: 10.1002/ana.410330210 ScienceOpen disciplines: Chemistry Keywords: Aphasia,complications,physio...
...包括额叶痴呆(frontal dementia)及原发性进行性失语(primary progressive aphasia)等。|基于15个网页 2. 原发进行性失语症 :: 心理出版社 :: ... 语用能力 Pragmatic Language Skills原发进行性失语症Primary Progressive Aphasia预后 Prognosis ... ...
Case 1, 1994: Rapidly Progressive Aphasia, Apraxia, Dementia, Myoclonus, and Parkinsonism Joanne Wojcieszek, Anthony E. Lang, *Joseph Jankovic, tPaul Greene, and $John Deck Division of Neurology and the Morton and Gloria Shulman Movement Disorders Centre, The Toronto Hospital, Toronto, Canada; ...