loading process succeeds. If the progress event is dispatched/attached to a Socket object, the bytesTotal will always be 0 unless a value is specified in the bytesTotal parameter of the constructor. The actual number of bytes sent back or forth is not set and is up to the application ...
There is one type of output progress event: OutputProgressEvent.OUTPUT_PROGRESS. Related API Elements flash.filesystem.FileStream Public Properties Show Inherited Public Properties PropertyDefined By bytesPending : Number The number of bytes not yet written when the listener processes the event. Output...
The actual number of bytes sent back or forth is not set and is up to the application developer. Constructor Detail ProgressEvent () Constructor public function ProgressEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false, bytesLoaded:Number = 0, bytesTotal:Number = 0) Run...
PropertyDefined By bytesPending:Number The number of bytes not yet written when the listener processes the event. OutputProgressEvent bytesTotal:Number The total number of bytes written so far, plus the number of pending bytes to be written. ...